If lockdown has had some unexpected silver linings, for many who finally had time to cook, learn new skills and sleep in, the eagerness to go back to our old normal never left us. As humans, we strive to feel connected and if we have spent lockdown on our own, the lack of social interactions has put a strain on our well-being, and the thought of socializing again leaving us with cold sweats.

Last year not having to commute and working from home sounded like a far reaching dream, now we find ourselves reminiscing over memories of being squished against the underground doors whilst sending a text to our bosses to let them know we’re late. As a roadmap out of lockdown has been released, workplaces are putting in place safety measures that will allow employees to slowly and safely get back into their work routines. 

As we make our way towards a new normal, it is best not to obliterate the fact that over the past year a lot has changed. People realised that face-to-face although important, is not always necessary and can be efficiently replaced with online meeting and how not commuting to work benefits our mental well-being and productivity. With this in mind, employees are also looking forward to being back to their past lives - seeing familiar faces, bouncing back questions at coffee machines and going for a casual pint after work. 

Some people might still feel reluctant and endangered with regards to going back to the office and with this in mind, the best way to make transitioning back to the office as smooth as possible and re-establish an harmonious working environment, is to set in place team building activities. 

During isolation some companies have been so worried about keeping their business afloat and their employees productivity up, so the thought of having team drinks over zoom might have slipped out of their minds. On the other hand, others exhausted the situation sending colleagues into zoom overdrive with meetings, virtual drinks, candle making and yoga workshops to try and keep the company culture alive. 

As we are starting to ease back into our day to day lives, we can start thinking of going back to team building activities that will boost morale and re-instate that sense of inclusion and synergy within your work team. We have been working with companies and businesses for many years, designing and implementing into their strategies team building an event ad hoc for them. 

Our Scavenger Hunt is the ideal activity for any business who’s looking for effective team building events. We personalize each hunt to your company and work closely with clients to meet any specific need. As participants will be split into small groups, our Scavenger fosters communication, team-work but most importantly is FUN! This is an opportunity for all team members to practice creative thinking in a fun and relaxed atmosphere as they work through riddles, cryptic clues and original challenges. 

An ideal event to annihilate the social barrier that screens have built up between us during isolation and promote a sense of inclusion and belonging to a company and team - necessary especially if the business has grown and new employees have started working remotely. To cater those who have brunches abroad and to accommodate the ones who are rightly worried about going back into the office yet, we have also adapted our Scavenger Hunt to being an hybrid event that takes advantage of technology!

Implementing team building activities into your strategy will greatly impact your employees well-being in a positive way, boosting their output and ultimately, getting you one step closer to your company goals. 


