A New Family Tradition

Most families have them; one of ours is going to the beach on New Year’s Day, no matter how bad the weather, no matter how bad the hangover! Some people have day-long Monopoly tournaments and I even have a friend whose family organise a super competitive annual sports day with trophies and everything! So whatever shape your family get together takes, or if you are looking for something different to add to the calendar, or perhaps just to start a new tradition – a Scavenger Hunt could tick all the right boxes.

It’s our special combination of friendly competition, physical challenge (don’t be put off, its basically walking around town or using public transport, we don’t expect you to scale Nelson’s column!), and brain teasers – just to get the grey matter into gear too – that makes this an activity where there is something for everyone in the family to enjoy.  From toddlers to teens, mums to granddads we can tailor-make an event to suit your family profile; suit your location and suit your budget.

It’s also great fun! Two hours of entertainment and laughter, and with a medal at the end too, who could want for anything more?! But seriously, getting together as a family is really about being together and creating special memories – and we hope at Big Smoke we can help families achieve just that!

To get in touch contact us here.


Discovering your City


The New Treasure Hunt: The New Look to an Old Favourite